Stephen’s Return Tour
On 8th May, Stephen, a foreign teacher who once taught in Anqing Foreign Language School in 2006, returned to campus to pay a visit. Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli received him in person and gave him a warm welcome. More than ten years passed, yet Stephen was still a respectable gentleman. Madam President accompanied him to return to the west campus where he used to work to feel the new changes on campus. Afterwards, we reached Anqing Foreign Language School’s east campus to tour the amazing campus and the School History Museum to review Anqing Foreign Language School’s development history. Stephen was overwhelmed by the changes of Anqing Foreign Language School and felt excited for this return trip. He sincerely hoped that he would have the opportunity to publicize for Anqing Foreign Language School to let more foreign teachers come here to teach and feel the beauty of Anqing Foreign Language School.
I was deeply touched by Stephen’s return tour. However busy we are in the future, we hope Anqing Foreign Language School’s foreign teachers and students will come back often!


